Supporting Local Eco Initiatives

Supporting Local Eco Initiatives

We are very proud to present the Reef HQ Turtle Hospital with funds to support their environmental initiatives.

Funds are raised through an Eco Stay program where our guests can opt out of having their room serviced during their stay.

This year over 4000 rooms did not require cleaning chemicals, laundry changes, reduced their carbon foot print and in lieu of this a donation of each room is made to our chosen charity in the Reef HQ Turtle Hospital.

With Reef HQ undergoing refurbishments over the next 2 years Grand Hotel and Apartments Townsville will continue to support local charities through this program.

  • Supporters of 65 Roses inc

    Grand Hotel and Apartments Townsville is very proud to support the Supporters of 65 Roses INC in our fundraising efforts. $4000 was raised this year via the hotels Eco Stay program. This will help enable the volunteer run charity to improve the quality of life for North Queensland Children and young adults affected by Cystic Fibrosis. We are proud to

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